Investment Classes
Managing A Common Stock Portfolio
We are pleased to offer this investment course conducted by Michael Dow.
"A fast-paced academically-oriented course covering wealth management tools and techniques."
This course is designed to teach investors terminology and concepts of portfolio management and financial analysis. Our primary focus will be on the direct ownership of common stocks, but we will also address bonds and mutual funds. Please see our detailed course description below. For information on how to register please see below.
Fall 2015 Schedule |
Three Day Sessions: (Three two-hour sessions) ($35 Includes course materials) |
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7-9 PM |
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7-9 PM |
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7-9 PM |
In addition, we offer this course as a private seminar. If your organization (investment club, business, etc.) is interested, please give us a call. Also, if you know of others who might like to attend, we hope you will pass this invitation along to them.
To Register
Call 207-878-1574 or 800-578-9018, or
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Please make checks payable to Dow Capital Management, LLC
Mail checks to:
Dow Capital Management, LLC
Seminar Registration
134 US Route One
Falmouth, Maine 04105
Course Description
This course is designed to acquaint the common stock investor with terminology and concepts associated with portfolio management and financial statement analysis. The course addresses the basic process of deciding when to buy, hold, or sell a common stock. Topics covered include theories and strategies of investing, such as the efficient market hypothesis, market timing, diversification, investing for value vs. growth, and investing for total return vs. dividends. Also covered are the historical rates of return for various asset classes, and an in-depth look at stock splits. Particular emphasis is put on learning how to read and interpret statistical data found on Value Line reports. Below is the general outline of the course:
Course Outline
1st Session: Portfolio Theory & Market Sectors |
2nd Session: Resources & Financial Statement Analysis |
3rd Session: Valuation & Company Analysis |
Among the topics covered:
Market Timing |
Historical Rates of Return |
Financial Statement Analysis |
Earnings Momentum |
Efficient Market Hypothesis |
Total Return vs. Current Return |
Operating Income vs. Net Income |
Value Investing |
Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis |
The "Blue Chip" Irony |
Gross Margins |
Nonsustainable Sources of Growth |
The Random Walk Concept |
American Depository Receipts |
10-K and 10-Q Reports |
Capital Structure |
Market Risk vs. Specific Risk |
Foreign Withholding Taxes |
Proxy Statements and Prospectuses |
Write-Offs |
Risk vs. Volatility |
Currency Exchange Risk |
Value Line Ratings |
Return On Capital and Equity |
Beta and Standard Deviation |
Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) |
Standard & Poor's Ratings |
Valuation Techniques |
Diversification Guidelines |
Hot Issues |
Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks |
Stock Splits |
Michael Dow received his Master in Business Administration from Boston University's Graduate School of Management and his Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Boston University. He has been an instructor of private seminars and a number of communities' adult education programs since 1996. Mike is a managing director and advisor at Dow Capital Management, LLC. |